Cancellation Policy
Cancellation Policy
Contact us right away if you have to cancel.
50% deposit is non-refundable.
You can switch for another day if need to cancel and give us advance notice.
Remainder of balance due upon final return to shore before departure.
Rain Checks provided
We will work with you to re-book you at a future date that season or the following year.
What to Wear
Shoes: Closed toe shoes. No sandals or flip flops
Fishing is a seasonal, fair weather activity that requires some considerations when going out onto the water for the day.
Spring and Fall
You will want to have on hand a warm hat, light gloves, wind breaker, long pants, socks and comfortable shoes. Waterproof Hiking shoes are best. I have rain ponchos on hand if he weather turns wet while out on the lake,
Shorts and a T-shirt with closed toe shoes are fine. I have SPF 30 sunscreen available on those hot sunny days ahead.
Deposit by e-transfer only
Remainder of balance can be paid in-person